Solygreen Enterprise LTD

language english / traditional chinese
Health and Safety Policy
Solygreen ensures that all employees and suppliers as far is reasonably practicable, are provided with a safe place of work and that all the provisions of health, safety, welfare, fire, environmental and construction legislation required by Industrial Safety and Health Association (ISHA) of the R.O.C. are met. All necessary steps are taken to ensure the health and safety of other persons, including the general public.
Solygreen is committed to identifying, assessing and controlling HSQE risk arising from our activities, products and services within the scope of our Safety Management System that we control and influence.

Quality Assurance
Solygreen Enterprise is committed to providing a consistently high standard of service to meet the expectations and requirements of its customers.
Our objective is to measure the delivery of quality through:
Assured profitability and retention for client by providing top-of-the-line quality of engineering, procurement and construction.
Feedback from customers and clients to identify their perception and satisfaction of services we provide.
Consistently reviewing the quality system and implementing continuously improvements where possible.
Effective systems for the management of sub-contractors (project planbook) (sample case)
Health and Safety, Quality and the Environment (HSQE)
Managing HSQE is a major focus for Solygreen, as we believe that we can differentiate ourselves from our competitors and provide better services, value for money and safer work environments. Our goal is to deliver our services with zero injuries to our people and minimal environmental impact of our activities. Our Approach is to develop comprehensive company standards. We plan, organize, control, monitor and review HSQE in the workplace to ensure we are legally compliant and we meet the needs of our customers and company standards.
Solygreen has started setting up a HSQE management system following ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. As such, Solygreen has been striving to:
Comply with and continuously seek to improve on applicable health, safety, security and environment laws, regulations, international industry standards and other related internal and external requirements
Give top priority to the health and safety of all Solygreen employees, service contractors and people affected by the our operation
Apply a systematic approach to HSQE management to achieve continual HSQE performance improvement, including setting HSQE objectives and performing regular audits and reviews
Hold all levels of management and employees accountable for HSQE performance and empower all employees and contractors to intervene and stop any work that is considered unsafe or not in line with HSQE policy and procedures
Mitigate all HSQE deficiencies and non-conformances identified through audits, inspections and incident investigations as well as other sources, in a timely manner
Continually improve HSQE performance by fostering a positive HSQE culture that recognises individual contributions
Controlling Plan Book for Engineering Quality, Heath, Safety & Environmental Concerns
(project planbook) (sample case)